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Bulletin Editor
Jamie Scott
Mar 22, 2024
Empowering Role Models and Sarah Bernhardt
Mar 29, 2024
Apr 05, 2024
Good Picture Taking: Part 2
Apr 19, 2024
Club Assembly Day
View entire list
Executives & Directors
President Elect
President Nominee
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Treasurer
Membership Chair
Assistant Membership Chair
Director - Club Administration
Director - Youth Services
Director - Service Projects
Director - Public Image
Immediate Past President
LSRF President/Chair
Youth Exchange Officer
Club Information
The Weekend Starts Here!
Service Above Self
Fridays at 7:15 AM
Livingston Educational Service Agency (LESA)
1425 W Grand River Ave.
Howell, MI 48843
United States of America
Join us for tasty BREAKFAST treats, POSITIVE energy and HEARTS of service! Club business starts promptly at 7:30 am, with pledges, announcements, Fine Sheriff duties and HAPPY DOLLARS. A weekly talk ENRICHING our lives takes us to 8:30am.
District Site Icon
District Site
Venue Map
Venue Map
Message from the President
Ladies and Gents, here are a few things you need to know.
1) Save the Date for Salute to the Stars (Catholic Charities Fundraiser) - May 30, 6:30-9:30pm
2) Thank you to our very own Jim Watters, who puts a ton of time into Community Connect each year.
3) Speaking of Jim Watters, he is scaling back a bit to include the weekly lunches, so we are looking for someone to step up (maybe every other week, or once a month...) If you are interested, please let me know.
4) June 20th is President's night. More to come
5) The Pobuda scholarship application has been sent to all the schools. They are due back by April 19th. Attached is the scholarship if you know someone that qualifies, please send it along. In addition we will also need readers to evaluate the submissions, so think about that.
6) Jim Gilmore is our new Membership liaison person, taking the reins from Jim Watters
7) We are in need of identifying a host family (preferably 2) for an exchange student from Hungary. Interested, let me know, or if you know of someone who is interested, let me know.
8) MITT. Thanks again to all ya all. Preliminary numbers are a net of $169k. In comparison, 2023 was $212k, 2022 was $179K Not to shabby, very well done !!
That is it for now, this was done quickly so forgive the typo's and grammar :-)
Your Pres
Greeter Schedule!
Please arrive by 7:15a to greet your fellow Rotarians!
*If you can't make it, please find someone to swap with, thanks!*
March 22 - Ramesh Iyer & Janine Iyer
March 29 - NO MTG
April 5 - Roger Haslick & Jessica Jewett
April 12 - Terri Fratarcangeli & Steve Gronow
Member Spotlight

This week's Member Spotlight - 

Let's get to know Roger Haslick!
Coming up next - 
3/29 - NO MTG
4/5 - Terri Fratarcangeli
4/12 - Jim Gilmore
Rotary Friends Lunch - March
Month: March
Day: Tuesday's
Time: Noon
Location: Howell- Corratti's
Hope to see you there! 
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Penny Murphy
March 2
James Johnston
March 5
Mike Murphy
March 5
Meghan Reckling
March 11
Harvey Larson
March 15
Lorna Durand
March 18
Scott Runyon
March 25
Terri Fratarcangeli
March 28
Betsy Hundley
Bruce Hundley
March 16
Join Date
Lorna Durand
March 1, 2013
11 years
Terri Defina
March 6, 2018
6 years
Christa Coxon
March 7, 2019
5 years
James Johnston
March 7, 2019
5 years
Mark Jaffray
March 7, 2014
10 years
Melanie Moses
March 13, 2006
18 years
Meghan Reckling
March 17, 2023
1 year
Bill Cook
March 21, 2018
6 years
Courtney Atsalakis
March 22, 2018
6 years
Elias Stich
March 22, 2020
4 years
Where to Make Up a Rotary Meeting in our Area

You can enjoy a meal with local Rotarians every day of the week:

Monday - Lunch - Howell at Howell Board of Education Room at the Administration Building (on Highlander Way)

Tuesday - Lunch - Brighton at the Brighton Community Building (aka the Boy Scout Building)
Tuesday - Lunch - Lyon Area at Abbey Park at Mill Milford Road, south of I-96, across from Coyote Golf Club 

Wednesday - Lunch - Fowlerville at First United Methodist Church on 2nd Street

Thursday - Breakfast - Hartland Rotary Club, at the Hartland Insurance Agency (Old US 23, just north of M 59).  

Thursday - Lunch - Novi at Suburban Collection Showcase
                NOON - Milford Rotary Club, at Milford United Methodist Church. Bring your own lunch. 
Take the opportunity to see other clubs, meet other Rotarians and see how they do things. These count as "Make Up" meetings if you can't attend your regular weekly club meeting.