Ladies and Gents, here are a few things you need to know. 1) Save the Date for Salute to the Stars (Catholic Charities Fundraiser) - May 30, 6:30-9:30pm 2) Thank you to our very own Jim Watters, who puts a ton of time into Community Connect each year. 3) Speaking of Jim Watters, he is scaling back a bit to include the weekly lunches, so we are looking for someone to step up (maybe every other week, or once a month...) If you are interested, please let me know. 4) June 20th is President's night. More to come 5) The Pobuda scholarship application has been sent to all the schools. They are due back by April 19th. Attached is the scholarship if you know someone that qualifies, please send it along. In addition we will also need readers to evaluate the submissions, so think about that. 6) Jim Gilmore is our new Membership liaison person, taking the reins from Jim Watters 7) We are in need of identifying a host family (preferably 2) for an exchange student from Hungary. Interested, let me know, or if you know of someone who is interested, let me know. 8) MITT. Thanks again to all ya all. Preliminary numbers are a net of $169k. In comparison, 2023 was $212k, 2022 was $179K Not to shabby, very well done !! That is it for now, this was done quickly so forgive the typo's and grammar :-) Your Pres |