Join us for tasty BREAKFAST treats, POSITIVE energy and HEARTS of service! Club business starts promptly at 7:30 am, with pledges, announcements, Fine Sheriff duties and HAPPY DOLLARS. A weekly talk ENRICHING our lives takes us to 8:30am.
You can enjoy a meal with local Rotarians every day of the week:
Monday - Lunch - Howellat Howell Board of Education Room at the Administration Building (on Highlander Way)
Tuesday - Lunch - Brightonat the Brighton Community Building (aka the Boy Scout Building)
Tuesday - Lunch - Lyon Area at Abbey Park at Mill Milford Road, south of I-96, across from Coyote Golf Club
Wednesday - Lunch - Fowlerville at First United Methodist Church on 2nd Street
Thursday - Breakfast - Hartland Rotary Club, at the Hartland Insurance Agency (Old US 23, just north of M 59).
Thursday - Lunch - Novi at Suburban Collection Showcase
NOON - Milford Rotary Club, at Milford United Methodist Church. Bring your own lunch.
Take the opportunity to see other clubs, meet other Rotarians and see how they do things. These count as "Make Up" meetings if you can't attend your regular weekly club meeting.